Thursday, 27 February 2014

The journey begins...

January 13,2014

Students watched a Prezi on The PYP exhibition today .

Link of Prezi:

January 24,2013

Students brain stormed ideas about the different concepts and burning issues to be considered under different strands for exhibition.

Working on the logo and slogan of the PYP Exhibition:

Dear Parents, Guardians, relatives, friends of the family,

Year 6 PYP Exhibition 2014

The PYP Exhibition represents a significant event in the life of both the school and student, synthesizing the essential elements of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and sharing them with the whole school community. It is an opportunity for students to exhibit the attributes of the student profile that have been developing throughout their engagement with the PYP curriculum.
The PYP Exhibition has a number of key purposes:

•           For students to engage in an in-depth, collaborative inquiry to provide students with an     opportunity to demonstrate independence and responsibility for their own learning
•           To provide students with an opportunity to explore issues from different perspectives
•           For students to apply their learning from previous years and to reflect upon their journey through the PYP
•           To provide an authentic process for assessing student understanding
•           To demonstrate how students can take action as a result of their learning
•           To unite the students, teachers, parents and other members of the school community in a collaborative experience that incorporates the essential elements of the PYP
•           To celebrate the transition of learners from primary to secondary education

       The following are the concepts the students have finalised to work in collaboration after brainstorming on the Theme: Sharing the Planet                              

Wild Life Conservation
Global warming
Human rights

Students will work in groups with their mentors to choose the concepts and frame central ideas.
March 12,2014

Finding out -SKYPE session with MYP students of grade 6 of Suzhou Singapore International School -China

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PYP Exhibition Unpacking The Theme